video games

SSX: Deadly Descents Has To Be A Joke, Right?

I am a huge fan of the SSX snowboarding franchise. SSX 3 was on my

top 10 list of everything

for the 2000s and will probably be in the top half of my top 10 favorite video games list. When I finally get around to making it.

SSX 3 created a great snowboarding experience that focused on a mountain with three individual peaks. It had a free riding format on the mountain and as your character improved their skills and won events it would unlock new areas on different peaks. And of course there were also crazy costumes and music to unlock.

The game felt like the developers fine tuned everything fun about snowboarding that didn't require you to leave your couch. It was not a simulation game insisting you translate real-life balance and coordination into arcane thumb movements. This was purely an arcade afair - point yourself downhill and hold on!

Instead of unweildy menus for navigation the game encouraged you to ride freely, maybe looking for collectables or maybe just enjoying the scenery and music.

There is a reason I've not mentioned the events or races. Sure they were huge, and a lot of fun but honestly, they weren't the main reason I played SSX 3. It was all about the mountain.

When SSX On Tour and SSX Blur were released they were nice. On Tour let you actually ski, which was kind of neat. Blur used the Wii controls which was interesting (and difficult). But where was my mountain?

Maybe someone found it?

Helocopters? Parachutes? Walkie-talkies?

How about an AK-47? I mean, snowboaring is an eXtreme sport. What's more eXtreme than shooting someone riding next to you?

Don't get me wrong, I am excited SSX is joining the current generation. And yes that did look like a mountain. But why do I have a feeling the current developers might not know where SSX found it's magic?

First Impressions of DC Universe Online

tl:dr alright game, lots of customization aside from how you look. They stole a lot of ideas but incorporated it differently. Story does not live up to the preview for the game.

The Steam installation bug was corrected. I have not really run into any other bugs, aside from the chat system sucking and I am currently downloading an 11 gig patch. I hope they are patching chat.

The game:

I am still at the beginning. It is hard to get a good idea of MMOs before you figure out how the game works. I have only done a few quests, so my opinion of it is going to be limited to the character creation and what I have encountered in my small amount of play time.

My character moves around a bit like Spiderman, only with no webs, and has ice powers. He hits people with a big ass hammer, and he has glass looking skin. I chose glass skin because you do not have many options when it comes how your characters look. You basically get to pick sex, hair, skin, color and size.

There are pretty sweet power builds in my opinion; you can do a lot of different things with it. You get a powers rotation going with six available power related abilities, the rest have to be shelved for later... (An idea stolen from Guild Wars, but I think think the idea of actually having to roll out of something, instead of having a percentage of hits on you blocked makes the game more actiony). You have thousands of options for ability combinations depending on what you specialize in, and you also have a physical damage rotation which is done with combos on the mouse.

The story is a bit weak so far. After seeing the trailer they created for it, I was assuming it would have been a bit better thought out. But yeah... come to think of it, you cant really make 1 million super heroes at once and have an origin that makes sense. I think they could have improved the game if you could have had some input on your origin. Basically powers of several different heroes and villains were stolen and dispersed, you created a character and that was your origin. You were a normal guy, and you got one of these things that give you abilities.

So far I have only played on hero side. I have made one with a personality like Batman and one like Superman. There are 10 or more abilities (I do not remember them all, and I have not tried many of them), and you can combine those with 10 or more fighting styles. Then you choose your method of transportation. There is flying, acrobatics (like Spiderman) and super-speed. I think my next one will be a super-speed, mind powers, daggers assassin, with the personality of Batman.
You can create an endless number of possibilities; I think this is the game's strongest point.
They stole this concept from City of Heroes; I can't really fault them for that. I think it would be really hard to come out with a completely new MMO, but I definitely consider this one revolutionary, albeit, a bit cartoony.

I am pretty sure it is the first MMO action game. Not an RPG in the traditional sense. It plays like an action game. It feels more real time, and less like you are standing there exchanging hits. Though, there is a bit of that. They do not have a tank and a healer and some guys damaging. Since there is raiding done by large groups they still have to have roles though. However, there is no person just sitting back healing, staring at health bars. If a player has a super power that can allow the healing of other players, in order to have enough energy for their powers, they have to be kicking ass. Every role does damage.

Aion and Warhammer touched on that a bit, but their game play was carbon copied from World of Warcraft and EverQuest. It is time for something new, give me a few days and I will tell you if this game is it.

(This is a guest blog by my friend and writer, Shain Kirby. You can follow him on twitter @shainkirby )

Creating a Video Game on a whiteboard

Game Prototype

Originally uploaded by


Every year or so my friend Jon and I talk about making a video game. We decided to actually take some action starting this month. I think we're probably going to use something ridiculously simple to make the game. And I think our friend Todd might help also.

I firmly believe it could be very easy for us to get caught up in the technical aspects and completely miss the game aspects.

This happens with musicians I know all the time. You can get caught up in buying new guitar gear and trying to get a certain tone or delay. But of course the song is pretty horrible so nobody wants to hear your perfect tone on your awesome gear.

Our game might be something like Trine (PC) vs Adventures of Lolo (NES); several characters with unique abilities have to work together to solve puzzles.

Here's a map I drew in my cubicle of how the game could work.

Each stage represents a different character with a unique power/skill and each lettered box (A-C) represents a room containing a puzzle they have to solve to move into the next room. This helps the player understand that character's power. The square in the middle represents the three characters finally teaming up to tackle bosses.

It's just an idea.

Nothing revolutionary or unique about it.

But it's one step closer to actually making something.