New Album - God be with you, Heaven Knows the Devil Is

Farstar just digitally released our record last week. The album is called 'God Be With You, Heaven Knows the Devil Is' and you can all 9 songs at bandcamp for $5 - This was mixed by the amazing Rip Rowan and Salim Nourallah at Pleasantry Lane. It was masterd by Nolan Bret at Crystal Clear Sound. That is to say - these guys do great work.

I have tons of mixed feelings about this record. I'm proud of it because I've been working on it for so long. I started writing what would become track 7 back in 2002 while finishing our last record. My idea at the time was to write a concept record; I thought there would be a quick turnaround but I was wrong. I probably didn't finish writing track 1 until 2008. And then it took this long to finish the recording, mixing and mastering. In the meantime band members came and went. We also put out a few 5 song EPs. But this was kind of the goal.

So it's nice to finally complete it.